Product Overview
This elegant dragon design chop is for good fortune and success. Red seals have been used as personal, family, business, and government verification for thousands of years in China, Korea and Japan. In the imperial times, the most powerful seal is of the emperor which can be seen on many scroll art in museums around the world. Today in Asia, almost every person and business has at least one identification chop that is unique.
This ox bone chop is sold un-carved, but we are able to carve it to your specifications. Please click on "Custom Carve This Chop" button, to add carving on this chop for additional $20.
This chop is 3" tall, 0.75" around and has a lid to protect the stamp. We also have gift boxes and traditional chop ink available to make a perfect gift set.
CARVING - additional $20 charge
We will send you an image for approval before the carving process begins. Each name or phrase is carefully translated into character, and will require 1-2 days after which we will send you a sample for confirmation. The carving process will take one additional day. In the above box, please tell us in as much detail as possible, what you would like carved on your chop. We can write in English or Character, or a combination of both, please specify accordingly.